Dedicated to the future of our breed..
The Irish Boxer Dog Club was founded in 1943 and is the second oldest Boxer Breed Club in the UK.
It was founded by a very young Millicent Sinclair, later to become known as Millicent Ingram of the famous Trikane Boxers. While on holiday in Switzerland in 1936, she saw and feel in love with the breed. On returning home she made contact with other Boxer enthusiasts and eventually obtained a puppy (Stainburdorf Autocrat) from the first litter to be born in the UK by Allon Dawson of Stainburdorf Boxers. This was the beginning of a love affair that has lasted a lifetime and encompassed numerous Irish and English Champions but more importantly a dedication to the breed we still hold dearest in our hearts to this day.
By 1943 there were a number of other Boxerties in Ireland and with the encouragement and enthusiasm of Millicent the Irish Boxer Dog Club was founded. The Club was originally affiliated to the Irish Kennel Club, due to the suspension of the English Kennel Club during the war years. The Inaugural Meeting was held at Goff's in Dublin on the 28th December 1943, by which time there was 16 fully paid up members. Harry Fottrell who was later to become the President of the Irish Kennel Club was elected Chairman and Millicent took up the position of Honoury Secretary. At the Meeting it was agreed to adopt the American Breed Standard and that meetings should be alternated between Dublin and Belfast to faciliate members from all over Ireland. By 1945 the Membership had risen to 30 fully paid members.
In 1944 and 1946 the Kennel Club was approached for affiliation and on the 29th June 1946 the Club was officially recognised by the English Kennel Club and asked to change their rules in accordance with the English Kennel Club regulations. In 1949 the Kennel Club questioned the Clubs dual affiliation with both Kennel Clubs and on the 12th August 1949 a meeting was held where it was decided to affiliate solely to the English Kennel Club. Over the years the Club guaranteed classes at various shows and even recieved a letter from Cruft's in 1953 asking them for specials. The members were adament that Clubs use only judges from the Boxer Clubs list, so that the breed would be developed in the correct way and strongly disapproved of any Members who entered under judges that were not on the approved list.
The Club held its first Open Show on the 10th May 1950 and over the next few years applied to the Kennel Club for Championship status, which was finally granted in 1956. The first Championship Show was held in the Wellington Hall, Belfast, with an entry fee of 10 shillings and six pence!
Nearly 70 years after its inception the club still has a strong founation of dedicated members. Our aims are to promote the Breed and educate our Members on all aspects of the health and welfare of this amazing Breed. In recent years with improved health screening and educational seminars held by the Club and other Societies we continue to work tirelessly to ensure the future of the Boxer.

Millicent Sinclair
with Ir. Ch.
Bombard in 1945
after winning
Non-Sporting Gp.
Mr Paul Keenan
3. St. Brigid's Park,
BT35 7HE
Tel: 028 30838919
Email: bessbox@hotmail.com